Our Founder
Sherry-Lynne Kirschner
B.A., B.Ed. 200RYT, Elementary teacher, Mindfulness Educator, Published Children's Author gained her expertise through working with children, teenagers, teachers, adults and seniors through over 30 years of teaching as well as owning and directing Twin Valleys Outdoor Education, Summer Camp, Leadership and Personal Growth centre. She is inspired by the mindfulness training she received from the Centre for Mindfulness at University of Mass. Medical School and bases much of her work on the teachings of Jon Kabat-Zinn, Daniel Rechtschaffen, Linda Lantieri and Daniel Siegel. She has facilitated workshops in personal wellness and mindfulness for people of all ages in Canada, the USA and Asia.
Sherry-Lynne created the “Attention in Action” curriculum and “Mindful Buddies” curriculum that have been used by thousands of educators, children and teenagers to foster awareness, compassion and resiliency. She has organized monthly meetings for educators and parents to have the opportunity to network and share informal and formal mindfulness practices. Sherry-Lynne had a children's book published entitled "Marvin the Mindful Marmot" that fosters mindful awareness in children through the use of endangered species as the fun loving characters.
"Over the years, I have been honoured to culture and witness the growth of many children, teenagers and adults as a result of sharing moments of silence together. Creating purposeful opportunities for others to learn strategies that promote greater awareness and connection to the body, mind and heart is both rewarding and inspiring.
Victor Frankl once said, “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
Helping others discover this “space” has been and continues to be an honour and a privilege. Sharing a conscious breath provides the window to the inner world of another and can be an invitation to shared grace. From this space emerges a greater capacity to love, accept, show deep compassion and connect with the hearts of others."